Southern California


and video editing service




Dajo Films


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Nia Sioux

Cameron Dallas

Nate Schoemer

The Let It Be Foundation

About Dajo Films

The Passion of two brothers

How it all started

In sunny Southern California, brothers Skyler and Dakota found their true calling under the warm golden rays of the sun. They shared an unbreakable bond and an insatiable passion for photography and cinematography. Growing up, their lives were a canvas, and every moment they captured became a masterpiece.

As they honed their skills, their love for the art deepened, and they knew they had to turn their passion into a profession. With unwavering determination, they set out on a creative journey that would lead them to capture the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant stories of their beloved California. Through every lens they peered into, Skyler and Dakota painted the world with their shared vision, proving that sometimes, the most beautiful stories are told through the click of a shutter and the roll of a film reel.

Contact Us

Make Your Vision Come True

Dakota Jones

Reach Out today to discuss your video production needs.

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(909) 662-7493

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